The Indications
The course of a session
Two types of hypnosis:
The Humanist and the Eriksonian
The indications
Hypnosis uses the brain's natural ability to enter an altered state of consciousness via language.
It is gaining ground in the hospital sector, where it is used to accompany patients during operations, childbirth, or for the management of chronic pain, and even as part of the optimisation of wound healing.
It is also being developed in sports, where better management of stress in competition is required, as well as improved performance through visualisation in a modified state of consciousness.
During the sessions in the practice, it is possible to learn self-hypnosis for the purpose of pain managementor improvement of sporting performances.
As it is a personalised support to help you reach your own goals or to free you from your own obstacles, its scope is very wide.
Now in cooperation with the dental practice, we are developing together sessions specifically related to fear of the dentist and surgery, as well as bruxism.
Most of the consultations
The following topics are covered:
Quitting smoking
Need for self-confidence
Weight loss (motivation?)
Compulsions (food, behavioural?)
Sleep Disorders (difficulties in falling asleep, recurrent nightmares?)
Phobias (insects, fear of heights, snakes, aeroplanes?)
Stress (chronic or over a given period of time, in the run-up to an exam, for example)
Procrastination (too often putting off until tomorrow what should have been done yesterday!)
Trauma (miscarriage, accident?)
The session
Course of a session :
The session lasts on average 1h30.
We will discuss the purpose of your visit, target your goals and pool your resources if necessary.
Then you sit down and the session can begin.
I am sitting in front of you and I start talking.
You gradually enter a modified state of consciousness, and then we work together with the most appropriate technique for you.
On average, there are between 2 and 6 sessions depending on the topic and, of course, the individual case!
Humanistic hypnosis
Humanistic hypnosis works in full awareness.
This is no longer a question of language games...
LIt's about harmony, symbolism and coherence.... are required to create an environment conducive to an enhanced state of consciousness.
The person is perfectly able to speak to make their needs and choices during the session. She thus acts on herself, as she wishes, at her own pace, without manipulation or hidden or subliminal suggestions from the therapist.
Humanistic hypnosis takes us to the meeting of our archetypes and inner symbols. A bit like a daydream, in which we can make conscious decisions in line with our deepest convictions.
In general, Humanistic Hypnosis is both a therapy practice (stress, sleep, weight, smoking, etc.) and psychotherapy (unhappiness, depression, relationships, etc.) and coaching (systemic, deep action that respects privacy).
The person in an "augmented state of consciousness" enjoys the benefits of hypnosis, both in therapy and in coaching: the same hypnotic phenomena (memories, regressions, therapy, anaesthesia, etc.) but self-directed.
Ericksonian hypnosis
Ericksonian hypnosis induces a state of slight modification of consciousness, allowing us to open wide the door that allows us to communicate with our Unconscious.
This technique is very effectivewhile being different hypnosis, because it is not authoritarian, and is simply based on language gamesa tone, a rhythm of voiceand metaphors.
You know, it's that moment when you think... "I know I should do something different... But I can't help it! "Well, this "stronger than us" is nestled in the heart of our unconscious... And it is to this part of ourselves that we address ourselves, after having overcome the barriers of our mind.
Want to know more about Eriksonian hypnosis?
You can read this article from Psychologies

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
I have often been asked.
I don't believe in hypnosis, can it still work?
It is not necessary to "believe in hypnosis It is not a religion!
However, it is important to feel confident enough to "let go", curious about the experience and open to the new. At this point, it can work very well on anyone, more or less spectacularly depending on their sensitivity!
"Why do you talk about "trance"?
It is actually Hypnotic Trance, which is shorthand for "Altered State of Consciousness" or "Augmented State of Consciousness" depending on the context in which we are working. In both cases, physical sensations appear (heaviness or lightness, heat, deeper breathing?)
A hypnotic trance does not have to be impressive to be effective: it can be light and formidable at the same time!
"I am afraid of being manipulated
Don't worry: there is always a part of you that watches over what happens during the session: one incongruous action or word and your vigilance naturally returns, diminishing or even cancelling the effects of the altered state of consciousness, and you regain control almost instantly!
As for your practitioner, she only hopes that you will be satisfied with her service in a minimum of sessions so that you will recommend her to your friends, and not only to your enemies!
"Will I be doing the chicken during the session?"
(I don't know why this question comes up so often, but since you ask me?)
It depends on your creativity, and you will only do it if it turns out that imitating the gallinaceous helps you solve something? I have never suggested it to a patient! Most of the time, we are too busy discovering the wonders of your unconscious to have time to perform without an audience!
"Can I stay "stuck in trance?
Well, no! In the same way that the brain goes from one sleep cycle to another, it naturally transits from an altered state of consciousness to an ordinary state of consciousness, and the hypnotic state naturally stops after a while if not maintained.
"Am I receptive?
Your brain, like everyone else, can go into an altered state of consciousness, and you have certainly experienced light trance in your life. For example when you are so absorbed in your task that you no longer see the time passing? This state is very accessible and is regularly sufficient for the work we do together (albeit slightly increased?)
The deeper states are also accessible, either naturally if you are already very sensitive to them, or with a little practice. Either way, these are things you only discover by trying!
"Can I go straight back to work after a session?
Of course, depending on the person, the "return to reality" is more or less rapid and easy. If this is your first experience of hypnosis, plan not to do anything too intense (physically or intellectually) in the hours following the session.
"Can someone "get inside my brain" when we do hypnosis?
The answer is "NO, absolutely not"? we are not surgeons!
These are language techniques, designed to help you reframe a behaviour or get a 'click'?
Nor do we claim to be able to "read minds", although intuition is significantly enhanced in the altered state of consciousness, and regularly allows for surprising coincidences!